Ad Campaigns
Aging is a positive, all-inclusive process. Eskaton’s comprehensive public education campaign distinguishes the nonprofit organization’s commitment to social responsibility.
Have you heard Eskaton on the radio?
Listen to people explain what it’s like to care for their parents.
- Signs of concern Radio Ad start button Son talks about signs that concern him about mom
- Vic talking about his wife and Alzheimer's Vic talks about his wife with Alzheimer’s
- Son shares his mom’s love of baseball
- Brother and sister discuss caring for mom
- Daughter Radio Ad start button Woman talks about being caught in the sandwich generation
- Son Radio Ad start button Son explains being a caregiving for his dad
- June Radio Ad 2 start button June talks about moving to Eskaton
- Linda Radio Ad 3 start button Linda describes her mom's health crisis
- Lucy Radio Ad 1 start button Rudy describes his mom Lucy
- Lucy Radio Ad 2 start button Irene and Olivia talk about moving mom to Eskaton
Eskaton’s creative TV commercials and films, including the nationally acclaimed “Life is a Ball.”
“You Inspire Us” Campaign
TV Campaign
Assisted Living Inspired by You.
Life is a Ball: The tennis ball serves a long
and multi-faceted life; the perfect metaphor for humankind’s
“Live Well - In Your Place or Ours”:
Eskaton’s new 60-second TV commercial promotes the organization’s
full spectrum of innovative and affordable
“Friends for Life”: Celebrate friendships
created and enriched in Eskaton