Activities & Events

Eskaton Village Grass Valley

Male and a female resident painting on canvas

You’re Invited

The best way to explore our community is to schedule a tour with one of our residential living advisors. The health and safety our visitors, residents and staff remains of paramount importance, and we continue to follow recommended guidelines to offer you a safe, personalized experience. To learn how to arrange a visit or to take a virtual tour of our campus, please call 530-273-1778.

Featured Events

Memory Loss Support Group for Family and Friends

a cartoon image of people holding hands in a circular groupFirst Wednesday of Every Month
1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Eskaton Village Grass Valley
625 Eskaton Circle
Grass Valley, CA

Please join our support group! Barbara Larsen, MA., Ed. is the creator and author of Movement with Meaning. She has been working in the field of dementia care for over 25 years with family, caregivers, health care professionals, and individuals with memory loss.

We want to give Friends and Family of people who have Memory Loss a group that they can discuss issues that are important to them. You do not have to be a caregiver to attend.

Please RSVP to 530-273-1778. View event flyer

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